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'better days'


Get off the land, head out to sea and get a little space, put some distance between you and all the busy, even just for a short while. So good for the mind, such a perspective shift. We have the use of a sailing yacht, a small fishing boat and a couple of kayaks. For larger paying groups we can charter commercially endorsed fishing boats based here in Newlyn Harbour.


Come and grab a coffee and a bit of breakfast in The Fishermans Rest, our charity cafe located on the Old Quay in Newlyn harbour. Sit and chill, stare at the sea, watch the boats come and go, just be still and let your brain slow down to a natural pace. There will be others to chat with as you sit in a quiet place watching a busy port. On Wednesday evenings we meet to study navigation and other maritime stuff along with friends, or maybe come along to any other special evening that we run. 


Sometimes all we need is someone to talk to, a  person who will listen without any kind of judgment or opinion? Often true understanding comes as we talk, we hear our own thoughts and reasons and can make sense of all that has led up to this moment in time. We have experienced people, trained in different talking therapies and pastoral care, all willing to share a coffee and spend some time with you.   


Would you like to come along, help maintain the boats, work on a few projects, make coffee and be good company? Maybe you have skills you could share, pass on to be a blessing to someone else. Please give us a call and start the process needed to be a contributor.


We are a mental health and well-being charity, a pastoral care and chaplaincy project, using the wonder of the sea and shore to bring healing and hope to one and all.

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© 2021 by Jason Ward
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